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Monday, September 13, 2004

Hello once again. We´ve finally made it to Austria (if only barely over the border). We´re staying at Gasthaus zum Schluxen. It's a hotel in the middle of nowhere, basically. It's a on a farm, and the view of the Alps from our hotel room is amazing. We had dinner tonight and watched the sun set over the alps. We both had Spätzle for dinner (Jess had cheese, and I had ham), and they were both very good. We also took our longest train ride of the entire trip today (a whoping 2 hours), but it was the first train that went directly to the place we were headed. It wasn't particularly fast, but it got us here. Tomorrow we're getting up early for breakfast and then hiking to Neuschwanstein castle, which should be about a 60-90 minute trip. Unfortunately, it's supposed to rain almost all day tomorrow. Not exactly the greatest castle viewing weather. But, we've had great weather so far so I suppose we can't complain about some rain.

In other exciting fronts, we're actually doing laundry tonight. In a real laundry machine (though it's European, so it holds about 4 socks and a pair of underwear, and costs €7 per load). This beats doing it by hand in the sink and then letting everything drip dry.

Also unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll be able to post any more photos during the trip. Having not brought the cord to connect my camera to a computer, I have to use a memory card reader to transfer the pictures (and I don't actually have one of those with me at the time). But when we get home we'll be sure to post some more pictures.

Until later, Auf Wiederschreiben

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